XTEK’s HighCom Receives New A$2.6m Ballistic Armour Order

Jul 17, 2023 | Announcements 2023

 Key highlights:

• Purchase Order for international supply of specialist ballistic armour products worth A$2.6m
• Many thousands of individual high-performance items to be provided
• Shipment to be delivered to new undisclosed European customer over coming weeks

Monday 17 July 2023.    XTEK Limited (ASX: XTE, ‘XTEK’, ‘Group’) is pleased to announce that the Group’s HighCom Armor Solutions Inc. (HighCom) business has received an international purchase order to supply its high-end ballistic body armour from an undisclosed European customer to the value of A$2.6m.

Scott Basham, XTEK Group CEO said:

“HighCom is XTEK’s Group global armour business, and from our advanced manufacturing capabilities in Columbus, Ohio, our patented XTclave production capability located in Adelaide, South Australia, and our new European Sales & Distribution office in Poland, we design, manufacture, and supply world-leading, ultra-lightweight and high-performance specialist ballistic armour solutions to militaries, law enforcement, and first responder customers all around the world.

This new international order, valued at A$2.6m received from a new undisclosed European customer, will see many thousands of individual advanced high-performance body armour products dispatched over the coming weeks to meet this customer’s delivery priorities”.

This announcement has been authorised for release by the XTEK Limited Board of Directors.

General, Investor & Media Enquiries:
Scott Basham, Group CEO,
T: +61 422 014 593
E: scott.basham@xtek.net

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