Group Leadership

Ms Jacqui Myers
Group Chief Financial Officer
Company Secretary
Jacqui joined HighCom Limited in November 2022 as the Group Chief Financial Officer, and in December 2023 also became the Joint Company Secretary. In accordance with ASX Listing Rule 12.6, Ms Myers is nominated as responsible for communications with the ASX in relation to Listing Rule matters.
Jacqui has a proven track record of success in providing advice to boards for decisions relating to mergers and acquisitions, capital development projects, risk management, and financial performance of subsidiary companies.
A highly experienced and qualified finance professional with extensive public sector, private sector, management consulting, Australian defence industry, and international business operations expertise.
Jacqui is a Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) and holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the Australian National University, as well as a Master of Business Administration from Deakin University, and is a graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Mr Todd Ashurst
Group Chief Operating Officer and General Manager Technology
Todd Ashurst, DSM, GAICD joined the Highcom Group as Vice President of International Defence Programs in September 2023 after 32 years of fulltime military service where he rose to the rank of Brigadier (One Star General). During his service he had several senior command and executive appointments within the senior leadership group of the Australian Defence Force.
Todd is a proven strategic leader with a strength in collaborative stakeholder engagement, change management and systems thinking. He has led multiple complex multi-billion dollar projects and contracts within Defence and multilateral organisations delivering outcomes within tight timeframes and resources.
Todd is a Distinguished Graduate of the United States Army War College where he obtained a Master of Strategic Studies. He holds a Master of Arts from Kings College London, a Bachelor of Professional Studies from the University of New England, a Graduate Diploma of Logistic Management, and an Associate Diploma in Personnel Management. He is a graduate of the Joint Services Command and Staff College in the United Kingdom and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Todd was appointed as Group Chief Operating Officer on 13 February 2024 and as General Manager Technology Division from 1 July 2024.

Ms Sally Nordeen
CEO HighCom Armor