Henslow Research Catalogue | Research on XTEK Limited
Henslow have published a catalogue of research on XTEK Limited (ASX:XTE).
To enable access to the catalogue publised on Henslow’s website, press on the “Go to Henslow research” button below where you will be presented with a ‘pop-up’ which requires you to confirm that:
1. The report was prepared for the Corporate Client, and not yourself;
2. That you are a ‘Sophisticated’ or ‘Wholesale’ investor; and,
3. You will be directed to the disclaimer associated with the Report.
Once you have confirmed the above statements you will be able to access the research.
This is a result of Henslow’s AFSL which outlines that any research prepared by Henslow is for ‘Sophisticated’ and ‘Wholesale’ Investors and not to be provided to Retail Investors.