Modern Slavery Policy

HighCom Limited (HighCom) strives to be the leader in the development, manufacture, sale and support of capability-based solutions to the Defence and Homeland Security markets. The diversity of our product range and specialised staff ensures we have the knowledge and experience to understand client requirements and the ability to deliver comprehensive and high-quality capabilities.
At HighCom, we recognise our responsibility to respect human rights as stated in our Employees Health and Safety Handbook. This handbook also covers the issue of modern slavery as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is a comprehensive definition that includes forced labour (Articles 4 and 23).

We work internally and with our suppliers (through formal supplier evaluations) to address the risk of forced labour and child labour in our global supply chain. We recognise that the risk of forced labour exists in various forms in all countries and across our value chain.
We strictly prohibit any type of forced labour, regardless of the market or region. Any allegations made about HighCom, a supplier or business partner will be investigated. If we discover and verify a case of forced labour, we will take immediate corrective action. For business relationships, this will include requests for prompt corrective action. If not taken or an appropriate remedy provided, the ultimate consequence will be termination of business relationships.

Modern slavery and forced labour are often linked to systemic issues. Businesses have a responsibility to prevent these issues from occurring in their operations and supply chains, as set out in existing and evolving regulations.

This policy has been written, approved, and promulgated by the Chief Operating Officer on behalf of HighCom and all companies in the HighCom Group, pursuant to the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth), Modern Slavery Act 2015 c.30 and the California’s Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010. It applies to, and sets out the steps, the HighCom Group has taken to address modern slavery within its supply chain and its own business operations.
Every staff member is responsible for reading, implementing, and acting in accordance with this modern slavery policy.

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